Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Few Anchor Charts

One of my favorite tools to use is an anchor chart.  I don't know what is about them.  I LOVE to make them, and they are great for my students.  I have read so many different opinions on how to use anchor charts.  Some people say to make new ones every year, and some say laminate them and use them over and over.  I fall in the middle.  Depending on the topic sometimes I laminate my anchor charts so I can hold on to them, and sometimes I recreate it every year.  I also tend to laminate and keep one that I am especially proud of.

I always try to make sure that my anchor charts are vibrant and eye catching.  I give every section or step for solving a problem a different color.  I also try to make sure that the anchor charts match the notes that we put in our math notebooks.

I have a section of my board where I hang the anchor chart for the skill that we are currently working on, and then I move them to a section of my wall that I have set aside just for anchor charts.  I have also found that with my anchor charts that I keep I still hang them up as we study the skill, instead of starting the year with them hanging on the wall.  I find that the kids actually make a connection to the anchor charts if they go up as we study the skills.

This is an example of a temperature anchor chart I made when I was still teaching 3rd Grade.

This is one of my favorite anchor charts that I have made.  I made it when I was teaching time in the 3rd Grade. 

To make this fractions anchor chart I copied some of the fraction pieces from the back of Dinah Zike's Math Foldables book.
I will post some more anchor charts as I am able to get back into my classroom to take pictures of them.  I will also post the new ones I make as I go through the year.

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